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Feedback from our Accessible Content Training

On Monday afternoon last week, we attended Accessible Content Training.

It was run by Jack Garfinkel from Content Design London and we were joined by various organisations and groups across York.

One of our attendees said:

"That was such a helpful session and there are some key takeaways that I know I could implement immediately. I think something that anyone in communications would benefit from."

We can't emphasise enough how useful the training was , so a massive thank you goes out to Jack and all of the team. From learning how to format communications properly to understanding what's legally required - everything was delivered in an easy-to-understand way, and all of our questions were carefully answered.

An hour before the training began, we invited attendees to meet online informally to get to know each other. We discussed what we hoped to get out of the training, and also the potential of starting a Community of Practice around accessible content.

It was wonderful to be in the same space as others whose sole focus day-to-day is what and how they communicate, whether that be through a paid or voluntary role. There were so many interesting conversations springing up as we began to talk.

We're excited to see how we might collectively get a Community of Practice off the ground, and the group is meeting again in January to begin this work.


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